Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Opinion: The Power of Love, Connection and Family Ties

               Art by Humza, 8 years old. This was his first time ever using metal surface instead of paper, an opening mind experience.

By Huzaifa D.

The most important relations we have in our life are intertwined by our family ties. For just a smile this bonding makes parents, siblings, kids and you to do unbelievable things with absolutely no expectation back. Sometimes we spend endless hours at work, outside the hospital and even outside a favorite restaurant just because we have the ability to love. Family is love. 

All relationships are connections which we communicate with. If they are amazing, these communications imprint long, positive and lasting memories. 

At first, let’s focus on how we keep our relationships with friends and colleagues. This is where we establish these relationships through some actions at school and at work. We maintain these relationships at Facebook and LinkedIn. We tediously work on these connections, writing new blogs, sharing new experiences and even throwing out unwanted statuses. Because we want to connect and we want to share a story, we are always working hard on our network.

With family, our relationships are deeper but how would you measure your quality of communication? Let’s take our kids for example, how do we share or exchange stories, what are the questions we ask, and are these questions the same?
I always ask my son the standard questions, like most every parent do: 

_ How was your day? 
_ What did you do today? 

If read a smart parent article – I will twist the question with which the answer is always nearly the same. I love my son, but I’m running out of ideas of how can we share our experiences and stories and improve our relationship. I’m not a bad parent, I don’t need a tutor on parenting, I don’t need advice either just a few tools where I can have an everlasting friendship with my son.

POVI,  helps me ask new and right questions every day, keeps my son engaged, he is more eager to share his stories and experiences. Povi is inviting a limited number of beta users to enjoy the same experience early. Povi Family Connect app is available for download at the  Apple App Store and Google Play.

Povi would love to give you a heads-up that we will be running a Kickstarter campaign on Tue, May 24, 2016. We would greatly appreciate your help to be one of our early backers to make Povi a reality.

You can choose to back our project for your family, a school, your team members at work or even non-profits.

We would greatly appreciate you also sharing this important message with whom you know will benefit from joining our community!

Thank you very much! 

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